Upcoming Events

Our School » Administration


Berrien B
Thank you for visiting our school's website!
We are excited about the success of our school made possible by our outstanding faculty & staff members, community support, and most importantly our students! By enhancing the educational learning process for ALL students, we strive to live up to our school motto "excellence without excuses." 
Partnerships with our community stakeholders, especially PARENTS, are key to the success of our students and our school. These groups of people play a huge role in enhancing our school's overall school report card score referred to as CCRPI, and our school climate star rating! From helping students academically to reducing the number of absences, parent involvement is a critical aspect of our School-Wide Plan (SWP) for improvement. We invite parents to actively participate in Parent & Family Engagement activities, parent nights, SWP planning meetings, conferences, and other school functions.
Parent and community input surveys are often completed on our website, or through our school Facebook page to gather information aimed at continuous improvement. Please be sure to like our page on Facebook and follow us on Instagram for important announcements, event promotions, and helpful parent tools shared by our school counselors. Together, we can continue to see our students thrive while keeping our school climate star rating high! 
We invite all of our school partners to contact us at any time! We look forward to another awesome year at BHS and look forward to seeing you soon!
Angie Lovein, Principal
Monte Cowart, Assistant Principal
Brenna Taylor, CTAE Director